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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Apple Won't Recall iPhone 4

WSJ- July 15, 2010- Chief Executive Steve Jobs's insistence on strict control of Apple Inc.'s product-design process appears to have backfired with his new iPhone 4, leading the company to overrule internal concerns about antenna reception and to deny carriers adequate time to test the phone before selling it.

Apple's iPhone 4 has been dogged by reports of antenna-reception problems since its launch last month. The company has called a news conference to discuss the issue Friday. Apple doesn't plan to recall the phone, a person familar with the matter said.

Apple doesn't see the fact that the iPhone 4 drops phone calls as a problem, allllllright... Proving my point: If you already have an iPhone 4 then are the type who doesn't have people to call, and doesn't have people who want to call you. For example, the CEO of Apple Steve Jobs actually has the lack of shit to do and people to talk to (despite a surprising sense of humor) that he answers customer complaint emails. (see here http://www.bbspot.com/News/2010/07/steve-jobs-answers-your-email-questions.html)

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