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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Play it Cool

So this guy passes out at the Devil Rays vs. Rangers MLB game and this is what ensues... My question is, who are you more pissed at in this guys case?

1. Security guard who wont just let sleeping dogs lie.
2. The mascot for tagging you with silly string.
3. Your friends for ditching your ass when you fell asleep (nobody goes to a game by themself that is suitable for public appearances)
4. The chick in the parking lot before the game who dared you to drink that last Mike's Hard Lemonade Light that put you over the top.
5. Everybody for even noticing since it is a fucking regular season baseball game that nobody gives a shit about, even the players.

Post Script- Got to love his reaction when he wakes up, lean forward slow clap... Playing it cool..

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