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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Are You Fucking Serious?

So A-Rod hit number 600* today. Go Fuck Yourself A-Rod! Not even grown up words can express how pissed I am at this. I'm not pissed because I'm a A-Rod hater, I'm pissed because I hate New York. And not just the Yankees, the whole city. I hate everything about it. whether its the $30 train ride, the hastle of getting around, the over crowded streets, the fact that my GPS never works in the city, the last train leaves before last call, or simply the fact that everyone else thinks its the greatest city in the world. if its so great then why are there so many bums? The worst part about number 600 today, I WAS AT THE GAME LAST NIGHT! I took Mrs. Melons to the game last night because she loves the Yankees and, honestly, I wanted to see history in the making. But how did A-Rod follow Monday's 0-5 performance? with an 0-3 gem Tuesday in a lopsided loss to the Blue Jays. Even worst, in the 9th Texiera grounded out to end the game leaving A-Rod on deck. First at bat on Wednesday: Boom, number 600.

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