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Friday, November 5, 2010

No Brainer

According to SI.com's Will Carroll, Desean Jackson will wear a new helmet made by shutt when he returns to play for the Philadelphia Eagles this weekend. Jackson was knocked the fuck out last month on, what I consider, a clean hit from Atlanta Falcon cornerback Daunta Robinson. Although the NFL has contractual obligations with Riddel helmets, players that suffer from head injuries are allowed to wear other manufacturers as long as no product labels are visible. Wait, so the NFL knows there are better helmets out there but wont opt out of a contract with Riddel to protect their players? that makes sense. i mean if players were protected better against these "vicious" hits, then player saftey wouldn't be an issue and the NFL couldn't fine players and make money. I guess the next step is for Roger Goodell to to ban all contact and players are only allowed to use their feet. Oh, my bad, that's the OTHER pussy sport, soccer. well maybe NFL soccer players can use Riddel shin pads.

And whats this nonsense reported by philly.com that Desean's mother bought him a Schutt helmet to prevent further head injury? I mean i understand a mother's love, but how about the Philadelphia Eagles protecting their most explosive and exciting player?

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