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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This is why Asante Samuel Shouldn't Hit

Known more for his soft hands rather then his hard hits, Asante Samuel physically asserted himself all over Derek Hagan Sunday night vs the Giants. this little hit ended up costing Asante 40k. $40,000? stick to intercepting passes Asante. oh, and don't drop them 20 yards down the field please. thanks

Aziz Ansari is Hilarious

While driving home from, I happened to be listen to a CD my friend burned me of some comedian named Aziz Ansari. this is one of those guys that's in every movie produced with one or two funny lines so you know his face, my recognize his voice, but really have no idea who he is. that or you know Aziz, and I'm just fucking clueless. either way, Aziz is a fucking riot. had me "LOL" my whole ride home. i even had to take the long route just to hear the whole act.

Does this make me gay?

While at work today, a song came on the radio and instantly transported me back to high school like it was a Delorian. what song do you ask? "You Make Me Wanna" by Usher. now i am not a usher fan nor do i hate usher. he's an artist that i can give props to for his body of work. but there was something about this song coming on when it did that i just lost it. singing out loud, bobbing my head, and ,if i had my knee brace on, would have busted out a dance that would have cured the world of Beiber fever.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Classic Case of Nerds Acting Out Their Favorite Video Games

The Baltimore Sun explains how at least two men armed with semi-automatic guns entered a Harford County GameStop just as it was about to close on Saturday night. The men stole four cases full of copies of Call of Duty: Black Ops -- totaling over 100 copies of the game -- as well as cash and some hardware. Two customers who entered the store mid-robbery were forced into a storage area in the store at gunpoint.

This is the second GameStop robbery in the area in the last few weeks, and authorities think the same men may have been responsible. The sheriff's office asked residents in the area to call and inform them about anyone nearby who has a copy of Black Ops before its launch official launch tomorrow.

They had to know this was coming right? I mean you keep releasing these games all about violence and gore and this is what you get. some over zealous nerds that just can't wait to get online and game with their "friends." my only question is, why did they need 100 copies? are they gonna sell them? and to who? nerds have no friends, hence their video game addiction.

Who Says Chivalry is Dead?

Last night on the premiere of Conan O'brien's new show Conan on TBS, funny man Seth Rogan told the tale of how he proposed to his fiance. to my dismay, it wasn't when Jaws popped out of the water at universal studios. and even more shocking, seth rogan has a girlfriend?

T.Ocho Show

Halfway through the season, the Cincinatti Bengals are severly underachieving with a record of 2-6. their offense is 15th in the league with 345 yards per game and 17th in scoring 20.9 points per game. the tandem of terrell owens and chad ochocinco has yet to be the "show" that we all anticipated. on top of that, after last nights game versus the Steelers it appears the T.O. is stealing the "show" and Ochocinco was showing his frustration after being held catchless until the final two minutes of the game. while T.O. had over 10 catches, 100+ yards, and 2 TDs. it seems as if the dynamic duo's days as partners are numbered with the stats slightly favoring T.O. who has 55 receptions for 770 yards and 7 TDs while Ocho has 40 receptions for 473 yards and only 2 TDs. another factor in this equation is the lack of a run game in cincinatti who averages 95 yards a game which is 22nd in the league. so starting now, we can start the rumors of this offseason in cincy. my money is on T.O. signs a deal with the Bengals and they shop Ochocinco who ends up with the Jets or Dolphins.

The Student Becomes the Teacher?

Dina Lohan, mother of my favorite ginger Lindsay Lohan, tells Matt Lauer in an interview that Lilo is thinking of opening her own rehab center. I mean, that makes sense, who better to run a rehab then one of its most frequent visitors? Lindsay must have NA meetings down to a science by now. and those 12 steps... forget about it. I mean its nice of Lindsay to want to help others, but come on, we all know there is a little selfishness behind this adventure. just think of the discount she'll get from owning her own facility. and how would the press be able to differentiate between Lindsay checking in to rehab versus clocking in for work?

Lets not concentrate just on rehab here though. We can make this a complete celebrity run mental wellness destination. Lindsay on alcohol and drugs, John Rocker on celebrity sensitivity training, Kanye West on race relations and public speaking, and Ryan Leaf on handling the pressures of fame.

Why can't you just let me
Do the things I wanna do
I just wanna be me
I don't understand why
Would you wanna bring me down
I'm only having fun
I'm gonna live my life
but not the way you want me to

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fear the Beiber

So tom brady says grey hair is a sign of weakness, beiber calls him out for being 40 and old, and then the browns put words in to action on sunday in a 34-14 stomping of the patriots. classic sunday football.

They're Just Horsing Around

they are some angry elfs. I guess they are just like reagular people.

Bird Brains

“It’s nearly as unthinkable that the Eagles would let Vick get to the Redskins as it was for the Eagles to send Donovan McNabb there. But that doesn't change the fact that the rumor mill is churning with talk of the 'Skins wanting Vick, who'll be an unrestricted free agent in 2011.

“What better way to get McNabb's attention than to create the impression that they prefer the guy who helped chase McNabb out of Philly?”

According to CSNPhilly.com there are rumors surfacing about the Washington Redskins trying to aquire Philadelphia Eagle quarterback Michael Vick. although at this stage they are just rumors, it does raise an interesting point to what is going to happen this offseason when Vick become an unrestricted free agent? do the eagles let him walk and focus their attention on Kolb? do they sign Vick long term, and if so what does that mean for Kolb? at this point I am all for the eagles keeping Vick. I wasn't surpirsed when they traded away Mcnabb, but confused to why Washington. I would like to have the faith in my Eagles to thing they wouldn't be dumb enough to do the same with Vick, or Kolb for that matter. With the way Vick is playing i don't see how you don't keep him around. I mean he did just out gun the all mighty Payton Manning.

On to the Next One

Well, Wade Phillips is out in Dallas. oh well. Now they just have to do something about the 53 other guys down there and then they can start making some progress.

Hurtin for a squirtin

Im sorry, did Crowder call McClain a Ho? he spit in your face so now he's a ho? that doesn't make any sense. I always that Hoes swallowed. then he would be a ho... for sho.


You really want to stand there and tell me that the 30 year old slightly-overweight man in this PP+K competition is child Andy Reid?... It looks like his competition consists of a couple oompa loompas and maybe that midget DMX... Even Danny Almonte looked more like a 12 year old than "Reid", and Almonte had a mustcahe, arthritis and a sizeable 401k.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sid the Kid

So Pittsburgh Penguin star Sidney Crosby tried his hand in another aspect of professional hockey(pun intended), and that was fighting. This wasn't Crosby's first fight but after watching it I wouldn't be upset if it was his last. He now has five fights in his young career, tied with Gretzky, and a record of 4-1-0. But come on, I mean their are guys in the NHL who's only purpose is to fuck dudes up. take Tie Domi for example, this guys has 245 career points and over 3500 PIMs. and according to Dropyourgloves.com most of those PIMs most likely came from his 333 fights where he holds a record of 162-65-76. So my advice to you Mr Kid, you just concentrate on dangling and leave the fighting to your goon teammates like Deryk Englelland (4-0-1 this season).

P.S. Crosby, if you are gonna fight, then keep your hand closed. none of the mush to the face bullshit

what a right hook at the 34 second mark.

shout out to the P.A. crew for playing "momma said knock you out." always classy NHL

No Brainer

According to SI.com's Will Carroll, Desean Jackson will wear a new helmet made by shutt when he returns to play for the Philadelphia Eagles this weekend. Jackson was knocked the fuck out last month on, what I consider, a clean hit from Atlanta Falcon cornerback Daunta Robinson. Although the NFL has contractual obligations with Riddel helmets, players that suffer from head injuries are allowed to wear other manufacturers as long as no product labels are visible. Wait, so the NFL knows there are better helmets out there but wont opt out of a contract with Riddel to protect their players? that makes sense. i mean if players were protected better against these "vicious" hits, then player saftey wouldn't be an issue and the NFL couldn't fine players and make money. I guess the next step is for Roger Goodell to to ban all contact and players are only allowed to use their feet. Oh, my bad, that's the OTHER pussy sport, soccer. well maybe NFL soccer players can use Riddel shin pads.

And whats this nonsense reported by philly.com that Desean's mother bought him a Schutt helmet to prevent further head injury? I mean i understand a mother's love, but how about the Philadelphia Eagles protecting their most explosive and exciting player?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Where Are They Now?

I came across this site today about the top 10 college football players and where they are today. don't be confused, its not the top 10 college football players AND where they are, but more the top 10 interesting places for a notable college football player to end up post playing days. I won't run down the whole list but just my favorites.

#10 Reuben Drougns. Currently coaching football in Serbia. Serbia?

#3 Ryan Leaf. the only surprise here is that Ryan Leaf is still alive. although i think booking fishing trips in Canada may be one of those things to begin the dying process, like retiring and moving to Florida, aka heavens waiting room.

#1 Jake "the Snake" Plummer. Currently playing professional handball in Idaho. I mean, he's still got it.

George Bush writes a book?

Apparently former President George Bush wrote a book titled "Decision Points." Now, I by no means claim to be a political expert and if it weren't for spell check, I wouldn't have been able to spell political. But I watch enough "Family Guy", "South Park", and MTV News to know that Bush's two terms in office were filled with questionable decision making. and while he may have been hated by many, many people, I find it shocking when he says Kanye West's allegations that Bush "doesn't care about Black People," was the low point of his presidency.

When Lauer asked Bush if he remembered the comments Kanye made about him, President Obama's predecessor offered a matter-of-fact response.
"Yes, I do. He called me a racist," Bush told Lauer.
Lauer clarified that Kanye did not literally call Bush a racist but instead said, "George Bush doesn't care about Black people." But Bush maintained his stance.
"That's - 'he's a racist,'" Bush said. "And I didn't appreciate it then. I don't appreciate it now. It's one thing to say, 'I don't appreciate the way he's handled his business.' It's another thing to say, 'This man's a racist.' I resent it, it's not true, and it was one of the most disgusting moments in my Presidency."
Lauer quoted an excerpt from the book on the matter:
"I faced a lot of criticism as President. I didn't like hearing people claim that I lied about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction or cut taxes to benefit the rich. But the suggestion that I was racist because of the response to Katrina represented an all time low."

I guess its just further proof that Bush just wasn't really paying attention. As far as the book goes, I for one would like to get my hands on it, I mean, I love a good pop-up book.

In case you missed it:

Aparently, I am the only person that can't dougie

I don't know who dougie is, but he has a dance that can give the electric slide, the chicken dance and even the Macareana all a run for their money.

Beiber & Ellen

John Wall

Desean Jackson

Reggie Bush

Even Carlton Banks

Break out the Oreos

I wanted to pass these videos along to remind all of us, it's not over, until it's over.
I'm sure is something the folks in Dallas have come accustom to watching.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Phil Davidson for President!

Hello America, meet Phil Davidson. Phil is a republican from Stark County, Ohio. Recently, Phil ran for Treasurer of Stark County, and failed miserably......Probably because of this speech. However, he might just be the jumpstart this country needs in the oval office......if he lays off the crack pipe.


P.S. Don't you just love the fact that he's got a MASTERS in communication, and still managed to completely buttfuck both his entire speech, AND HIS FAVORITE QUOTE OF ALL TIME......IN THE HISTORY OF THE SPOKEN WORD!!!!