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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Holy Crap

I now know how Harry felt in this scene. While out with friends this evening I get that call. I excuse myself and head to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I notice that the door to the stall does not lock. Under normal circumstances this is unacceptable, and at the time, this was a normal circumstance. I return to my table of friends, we finish our beers, pay the tab and hit the road. After dropping the crew off it was time to embark on my 30 minute drive home. The first 27 minutes were fine, it was the last three that were painful. With no regard for pedestrians and running red light after red light, I pull in to the neighbourhood and speed down the road over the 3 speed bumps and park in the lot. With my body clenched as tight as it was, not only was running an issue, but unlocking the door even posed to be a challenge. By time I meandered through the apartment and juked the hungry animals, I made it to the bathroom just in time for a Reggie Miller-esq buzzer beating shot...


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